Oct 26, 2008

Install NS2 in Ubuntu

Install NS2 in Ubuntu

1.install gcc,make。

sudo apt-get install build-essential


sudo apt-get install tcl8.4
sudo apt-get install tcl8.4-dev
sudo apt-get install tk8.4
sudo apt-get install tk8.4-dev

3.install libxmu-dev

sudo apt-get install libxmu-dev

4.install ns-allinone-2.30(take ns2.30 for example)

   extract files in /home/your username/

5.install ns-allinone

cd /home/your username/ns-allinone-2.30/


6.deploy path envirenment

7. validate

cd ns-2.30



Difference between "Conference Paper" and "Conference Proceeding" in Endnote

There are many type of paper in Endnote, such as journal artical, conference article
and so on. And there are two types of paper in a conference:"conference proceeding"
and "conference paper". What is the differences between these two type?
In the website of Endnote:
The Conference Proceedings reference type is best used for unpublished
proceedings. Articles that are published as part of the comprehensive
conference proceedings
should be entered as Conference Paper references.
That is to say, papers published in conference proceeding are with the type of
"Conference Paper",and unpublished Proceeding paper are with the type of Conference


Clear Partition C using Batch Process

del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.tmp
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*._mp
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.log
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.gid
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.chk
del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\*.old

del /f /s /q %systemdrive%\recycled\*.*

del /f /s /q %windir%\*.bak
del /f /s /q %windir%\prefetch\*.*
rd /s /q %windir%\temp & md %windir%\temp
rd /s /q %windir%\RegisteredPackages & md %windir%\RegisteredPackages
del /f /s /q %windir%\SoftwareDistribution\Download\*.*
del /f /s /q %windir%\Downloaded Program Files\*.*
del /f /s /q

del /f /q %userprofile%\cookies\*.*
echo end cookies
del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\recent\*.*"
echo end recent files
del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\*.*"
del /f /s /q "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Temp\*.*"
echo end temp and IE temp
sfc.exe /purgecache
echo end cache
echo End!
